Cameras play a massive part in my life, and sometimes it feels as if I’m in the Truman Show and don’t have a life away from them! The fact is that I love my job and take great joy in my vlogging and sharing my recipes with you all and even bringing in the kids to help me knock up simple and tasty treats. The video cameras aren’t the only photographic tools of my trade however, as even when out and about I am constantly taking still shots and short videos of places I am visiting or simply of a sublime plate of food that looks good enough to eat; for want of a better term!

I’ve tried loads of different cameras over the past few years and in my humble opinion the Olympus Pen 7 range knocks all competition out of the park.  These cameras make my life so much easier as their Wi-Fi capabilities allows photo transfers to my phone or laptop so they can go straight onto Instagram etc; simples! Now many of you will be asking why I just don’t take the photos with my phone in the first place and I’ll tell you. While my phone takes perfectly adequate snaps and selfies and the like, I demand a level of professionalism when it comes to my work photos that no phone camera, at this point, delivers.

You could also call me a bit old fashioned but I like the feel of a camera in my hands and adjusting the bits and bobs to create the perfect image. The movie quality is also outstanding and if I am vlogging on the move, or on location, I don’t needs to lug around stacks of equipment. My Pen 7 and a tripod and I’m good to go. Knowing that all I have to grab is my camera is a godsend when I have to do something at the last minute, or am somewhere where a photographic opportunity arises that I cannot miss.  I rarely go anywhere without it to be honest, so you see everyone who walks around with a camera hanging around their neck is not a Japanese tourist!

I could, at this point, start rattling off all manner of specs such as  the shutter speed or sensor model but you will be glad to know I’m not going to. You can find all that out for yourself very easily if you are looking for a new camera and I have piqued your interest in the Pen 7’s. These are not your standard little point and click cameras that you pick up dirt cheap, these are top of the range cameras that cost a pretty penny but never fail to deliver.


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